27 October, 2007

In Memory of Brendan T. Gilchrist
Mar. 11, 1978 - Aug. 4, 2007

Brendan Thomas Gilchrist, 29, of Topeka, passed away on Saturday, August 4, 2007. He was born on March 11, 1978 in Topeka, the son of James W. and Shirley A. Thornton Gilchrist. He attended Elmont Grade School through fifth grade, home schooled through high school, graduated from Kaw Area Technical School, and graduated with an Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Technology with departmental honors from Washburn University. Brendan became certified as an engineer at Midland Railway in Baldwin City, Kansas in 1997 and was active there as a volunteer. He also volunteered at Topeka Civic Theatre. He was also a volunteer working on the restoration of the train at the Expocentre. Brendan worked primarily as a stage manager at Topeka Performing Arts Center where he helped set up for various events as well as working the spotlight and sound board. He also did this at the Expocentre and at the Lied Center in Lawrence. Brendan was a member of Calvary Lutheran Church. Brendan was preceded in death by his grandparents Thomas and Grace Gilchrist and George Thornton. Brendan is survived by fiancee, Michelle Haas; his parents, Shirley and James Gilchrist; his grandmother, Marjorie Thornton; his sister, Erin Gilchrist; his brother Daniel Gilchrist; his godson, Kenneth Williams; several aunts, uncles, cousins; and many friends. Services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday at Penwell-Gabel Mid Town Chapel, 1321 S.W. 10th Ave. Burial will follow in Penwell-Gabel Cemetery. Brendan will lie in state after 2:00 p.m. Tuesday at Penwell-Gabel Mid Town Chapel where the family will receive friends from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Memorial contributions may be given to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Attn. Kiki’s Butterflies, 950 Isom Rd. No. 104, San Antonio, TX 78216.

I would rather be a failure doing something I love
than be a sucess doing something I hate.
- George Burns -

This quote was attached to B's door, and though I never knew it, looking back now, it's obvious that it was a motto he lived by.

Though it may not have been the very first time we met, the first time I remember meeting B was at a TCT cast party years ago. I can't remember what show it was, but I do remember chatting with him for most of the night, in what was I believe was a breakfast nook.
We worked together on various shows at Topeka Civic Theatre, and then later at the Topeka Performing Arts Center.
Over the years he became one of my closest friends.

We spent many an hour working at TPAC for whatever came around.
Broadway tours, concerts, local ballet recitals, wedding receptions, meetings, Topeka Jazz Festival, and who knows what else.
As changes came at TPAC, he went more to the stage managing side of things, making crew calls, advancing shows, dealing more with the clients, and since they kept him around, he obviously did it well.

Out of work hours, we spent a fair number of nights (during the "heydays" it was about once a week) at McB's (now Reed's Ringside) having a couple beers, shooting pool, telling stories, contemplating life, working over the pinball machines, and tossing rounds of darts.

I don't know too much about B's life as a railfan, but I do know that he had a lifelong interest in trains.
He was a certified Engineer, as well as doing other jobs, with the Midland Railroad in Baldwin, KS., he collected various model trains, had several train shirts that he wore (the most frequent one I, and I believe most others, saw was a Rock Island one, that he was also buried in), stayed up late and went out early to watch certain trains go through the area, and I don't know what else, but I know there was more.

From talking to some of our friends, it sounds like B had some truly great last days.
He was very important in making sure that Grape Escape was set up properly and went well.
He was going to Baldwin to do some work at Midland after a fair bit of time away, and I'm sure that was something he was looking forward to.
And he spent his last moments with Michelle. While I'm sure that it was a very difficult thing for her, I hope that it gave him serenity and helped his last thoughts be of all the good things in his life.

The last time we chatted, you said that I could call you if I needed to talk, and while I didn't specifically mention it, I hope you realize that you can do the same.
And I know that we talked a bit about how he was interested in you for so long without doing anything about it. I remember numerous times telling him to 'just do it', and suggested several things he ought to do, like find some informal thing to do together, see a show, and I don't remember what else, but I'm glad he finally got his act together.
Well, kind of not, because once he did, he started spending most of his time with you and left us poor plebs to our own nefarious devices.
Not that I blame him, I mean really, when I've got a girl I'm interested in, I tend to focus on her more than all else.
But seriously, I know he enjoyed every second that he spent with you, and I'm glad you both had a life together.

I can only imagine what it's like to be in your place, and I hope I never am (at least until many years from now).
I'm not sure if it's a regret or not, but I am sorry that I didn't stick around at McB's (it'll always be McB's to me) and have a drink with you, and everyone else, but as I think about it now, it was probably a bit of a defense mechanism, avoiding a place where B and I spent a fair bit of time and I'm not really sure I would have handled it well.
The next time I get back to town, you and I (and anyone else who's up for it) should go and have a beer or two in memory of B.

To my best understanding, you were the one who suggested me as a pallbearer.
When Cole first called me, I knew I wanted to be there, though I thought could be difficult considering I was the only person doing my job.
When you called to ask if I could be a bearer, it wasn't a total surprise, but it certainly wasn't expected, especially since I live 700 miles away.
I knew without doubt that I couldn't not be there.
I always put my friends and family first, and I would gladly have lost my job to be there for my friend
I remember what you told me at Oscar's, and that took some heart to say.
What he said to you makes me think of myself a bit, in that I generally try to be fair to everyone (and hate them all equally).
I'm greatly honored to have done this for one of my closest friends, and I know he wouldn't have hesitated to do it for me.
Or you.
Or anyone else.

I know that you were a lifelong friend of B's, and I'm sure it's been very difficult to lose someone this early in life.
I know that the strength you showed by being around so much while he was lying in state, talking with everyone, and going with people while they paid their respects was noticed by everyone.
It is without question that he was honored to have you as a friend, and as a bearer.
Oh, and next time I get back, I want to see that Scirocco fully restored.
Hmm, well, B probably wouldn't have fully restored it, so uhmm... well, just make sure it's running.

Jim, Shirley, Erin:
We've only met a few times, but I know that he cared for you all very much.
He sometimes spoke of you and things you were, or had, done. Like working on the railroad or going to college.
I hope that I never have to be in your place and lose a child or brother when they are so young, but I hope it brings you joy to know that B was such a good friend to so many, and touched all of our lives.

To everyone else:
We all know B had so many friends, and though I tried to mention a few of the most important people in his life, I don't know you all.
And if I did, it would probably take a week to get through the list.
I don't know anyone who didn't like B, and I know that he cared for every one of you.

It's been very hard for me to write this, and even now, approaching three months later, I can only spend short amounts of time reading and adding to what I've written.
It still seems so odd to think that I won't be seeing B the next time I come back to Topeka, and I know that's because I don't live there now, so it's as if it doesn't exist.
This is both good and bad because if I lived there, I would have to deal with it more and would accept it, but since I don't really have to see and do the things that we were involved with, it prolongs the sadness I have for losing one of my closest friends.

Another reason it's taken me this long to complete this is that I wanted to gather all of the condolences and messages from the Penwell-Gabel page and the Topeka Capital-Journal page and combine them so that they have a permanent home.

Craig Haugsness
I am so sorry to hear about Brendan's passing. I had the opportunity to work with him and learn from his on several shows at TCT, including a show with Daniel. I don't know what else to say but we will all miss him.

Frances Dewell
Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist, my name is Frances Dewell, I am the daughter of Roger and Mary Ann Taylor. Mr. Gilchrist, I believe that you worked with my father on the railroad. I want to express my deepest sympathy for you and your family's loss of Brendan. I worked with Brendan at TCT. He was a very kind young man. He will be greatly missed.

Gigi Sawyer Radding
Dear Shirley and Jim and Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how deeply the death of one's child cuts, no matter that he has grown to be a man, wonderfully loving and loved. I know Mom would have been heart-broken for you as well. Find peace in knowing that she was present to make Brendan's passage more beautiful. Please know, also, that you are all in my heart and prayers. My love to you all. Gigi

Crystal Thornton
Aunt Shirley, Uncle Jim, Erin, and Daniel...

I am sorry to hear about Brendan. I am praying for you daily..I am soo happy I got to see him at Christmas and that it hadnt been years since I did. I been thinking bout all the times growing up and stuff we did...


Debbie & Daryl Thornton
Thinking of so many memories of Brendan, Erin, and Daniel over the years, when the kids were growing up. He touched so many lives throughout the years in his various interests and hobbies. He will be missed by so many.
May the peace and comfort that can only come from the Lord be with each of you and Michelle during this time. You have our love and prayers.

Bill & Matie Grubham
Gilchrist Family,
Didn't know until yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. The only comfort is in Jesus Christ.
May you feel His love during this time.

Ryan Dolan
My deepest condolences to Brendan's family and friends. I remember "B" fondly from my days at the Topeka Civic Theatre. He was a very funny and sweet guy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kelly Garcia
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Kelly Garcia 300

Angie Wilson and Mark Jones
Erin and family,

We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers. May God bless you in your time of need.

Janet Glassman
I was sorry to hear about B. I worked with him on a number of shows throughout the years. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tanya Dorf Brunner
I've volunteered with B for many years at TCT. He's always been a good friend and a good teacher. I will miss him very much. All my thoughts and prayers are with Michelle and his whole family.

Darleen Bernhardt

Sorry to read about the passing of your son. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. May your faith keep you strong and may God comfort you.

Karyl Croft
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May the happy memories of Brendan's life sustain you during the difficult times, both now and in the times to come. Please know that you are held up in the thoughts and prayers of many friends, neighbors and co-workers. May that bring you some comfort.
Karyl Croft

Rick Umscheid
Shirley, Please accept my sincere sorrow on the loss of your son Brendan. I also have a son age 30 and know how hard it would be to loose him. At such an age you can only hope that the good Lord has a better plan for him. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family in this time of grief.

Bryan Briggs
My sympathies to all of Brendan's family and friends. Working with Brendan at TPAC since 2000 I was lucky to be a member of Topeka's theatre family with Brendan, his brother Daniel, and so many others who spent many long hours working side by side. Brendan was a great co-worker, friend, and family member. My thoughts and prayers go to all of Brendan's families.

Helen King
We were so sorry to hear of Brendan's passing. It seems like just yesterday that he and David were in school together. We can only imagine how hard this must be for you. Please accept our deepest sympathy.

The Everett King family

Geri Krumsick
Shirley & family- I am so sorry, I have been gone on vacation and just got word of you horrible loss. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray God blesses you with the strength to face this and hopefully a future of peace and serenity with lots of memories. If there is anything I can do please let me know.

Cindy Livingston
Shirley and Family:
Sorry to hear of the loss of your son, Brendan. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Cindy Livingston, KDWP

Bob and Beverly Holly (jr)
Jim and family I am so sorry for your loss may God put his hands on you and your family and guide you through this trying time.

Kate Armstrong
My love and best wishes go out to you. B will be terribly missed. I met B through Civic theatre and we always joked about how we share the same birthday. My prayers got out to all of you in Topeka. I wish I could be there.
I love you B.

Daniel and Jennifer Dawson
To Michelle and the Gilchrist family-
We have known Brendan for 11 years through the Midland Railway. We are sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful young man and since everyone at the Midland is family, we have lost a "little brother". We loved him dearly. He was always kind and never said anything bad about anyone. Our condolences to all of you. Michelle, he loved you so much!!! He treasured you beyond comprehension. We will all see him again in Glory.

craig senogles

My heart-felt sympathy goes out to you and your family for the loss of your son, Brendan.

Craig Senogles

Mark Radziejeski
I got to know Brendan during my time at TPAC. He was a tireless worker, always ready and willing to help. I know that his presence will be missed by all his friends and family. My condolences to the family. You are in my prayers.

Patricia Loder
Brendan, was a wonderful young man! He helped me many times in just being a friend. I knew him from TCT and TPAC. All of his family will be in my thoughts.

Andrew Hill
Brendan was one of my great childhood friends, and I am saddened beyond words by his untimely passing. I will always remember those times he got dressed up like a knight and had play sword-fights with me and his brother Daniel in the back yard on hot summer afternoons when I came to visit.

Ronda Lang
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. May god be with you through this trying time! My thoughts and prayers are with all that knew and loved him.

Angela Ford(Paulsen)
I knew Brendan as a child as we were the same age and both attended Calvary. It has been a long time since we have had contact but I remember him as a sweet and caring young gentleman. It is unfortunate, your loss, and my thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Quinton Loder
This is an unbelievably tragic loss for so many lives that Brendan has touched. My thoughts are with everyone. Much love!

Suzie Yeh
Dear Shirley,

I am so deeply saddened and shocked to hear the news about the sudden death of your son, Brendan. I am so sorry for your loss.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Accounts and Reports

Lisa Hockenberry
So sorry to hear about your son. May God comfort you in your grief.

Dale Brunton
Shirley and family,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I cannot imagine the grief you and your family are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Amber Grigsby (Thompson)

I wanted to let you know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. And I am truly sorry for your loss.


gaye trimble family
There's no way to say how sorry we are about Brendon.Our prayers are with you in this time of sadness. If we can be of any help please let us know. love gaye & family

Blair Adams
It seems like I allways knew B. I can't really remember many productions happening without him. I was fortunate to work with him both at TPAC and the Midland. He made a positive impact in everything he was involved in. Im gonna miss you B!

Barbara Saker
Dear Shirley and family. I cannot imagine the pain you must be in at this time. I offer this prayer.
Lord, if there were words that could heal a heart, I would speak them. If there were songs that could fill the emptiness, I would sing them. If there were arms big enough to hold the loss I would extend them. But only you, Lord, can off these precious mercies. In Your grace, please grant them Lord.

Know that we are all thinking of you and offer our condolences.

Barb Saker
Business Office
Pittsburg State University

Scott Satterfield
I had the privilage of knowing Brendan through the Midland Railway. He was a very kind,trustworthy,hard working individual that will be missed. He was also a great engineer.

Sharon, Robert, David, Linda & Janice
Our dear cousin Shirley and Family,
We know that Brendan was a wonderful son, brother, grandson and friend. May those who were blessed to be part of his life find peace and comfort in special memories of Brendan. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Jeannine Miller
So sorry for your loss. Shirley I know your were proud of you son and he was loved by many. In Gods hands may he lay with him.
(Topeka, KS)

Kathi Killman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist, I knew "B" through Topeka Civic Theatre. He worked crew on several shows that I stage managed over the years. I always knew I didn't have to worry if he were running sound or spot for me. He was a wonderful, kind and very quiet guy who I respected greatly. It was a privilege knowing him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this very difficult time.


Gary Foiles
I worked and played along with Brendan in Topeka Civic Theatre's Laughing Matters and will always remember his quiet smile, his unflappable competence, and his constant support. He will be always be a part of our family, too.

Kristy Droegemeier
Erin and Family, I am so sorry for you loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of sorrow. Erin, if you need to talk, call me anytime. You have a great family, I am so sorry to hear this.

Karen Ingenthron
Shirley, Erin and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories of your son and brother bring you comfort, and may God Bless you now and forever.
Your frind,

Barbara Montgomery
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God be with you.
Barbara Montogmery
Columbian Bank and Trust

Stefanie Brown
Erin and Family
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You all will be in my thoughts.

Ben Perry
Jim, Shirley, Erin, Daniel -

Brendan was a great friend who inspired me in a lot of areas growing up. We did quite a bit together - 4H, theater, countless bus rides, games, everything. We will always remember him.

Jill Shehi and family
Erin and Family,
Our prayers are with you,

Rhonda Bell
Sorry to learn about your son. Thoughts and prayers being sent your way. I am George Brandenburgh's youngest daughter.

Paula Downey
Shirley and family. I was so sorry to hear of Brendan passing. I have some fond memories of Brendan when he was growing up and playing with Ben, and especially our 4-H times together. I know he will be missed greatly by his family and friends. He is home now and will be waiting for all of us. Thinking of you, Paula

Nikki Hurd (Fay)
Jim, Shirley, Erin, and Daniel - My prayers are with you in this time. I remember Brendan as a friendly, caring, giving young man. He will be sorely missed.

Steve & Mary Koons
Our deepest sympathy to Jim & Shirley on the untimely loss of Brendan.

Linda Bundy
Erin and Family--
My thoughts are with you

Gina Wagers
Michelle, I am praying for all you. Nothing is as bad as losing a child, brother or fiancee. God Bless You. I will all ways keep you in my heart.
Gina,Jaxson and Zach Wagers

Chris Munz-Pritchard

Lynn Philbin
Michele and family my deepest condolences are with you as you grieve.

Erika Johnson (Fay)
I am so sorry for your loss. I know Brendan was a sweet, sweet young man and he will be dearly missed.

Richard & Judy Frost
Erin and family we were so sorry to hear about your loss, may God hold your hand and guide you through this troubled time. If we can be of any help please let us know.

Robert Runion
Our sincerest condolences to Daniel Gilchrist and his family on this great loss. We send our prayers to the family and in their time of loss and sorrow.

Members of Albert Neese Masonic Lodge #248, Tecumseh,KS

Don Demore
No bond is as great as that between a parent and child. My deepest condolences are with you as you grieve.

Jason Mullen
Michelle, and Gilchrist family

What a tragic loss. B had such a huge impact on the arts in this area, I was lucky to be able to work with him at TCT, TPAC, and load in and outs at EXPO. Those are going to be some big shoes to fill. I could not have met a more genuine person. B will be truly missed. Thanks for the memories B!

Lohnie Gray
My condoliences are with each and everyone of you. I've know B for a long time. He was a gentle kind soul, no matter what he felt he got the job done. I will miss him alot. It's a tragedy, a loss so early in one's life. My thoughts and prayers are with you Daniel and family.

Foster family
Gilchrist Family~
Our sincerest sympathy to each of you. We were so sorry to learn of your grief and loss. Jack, Bengie, Tony & Steven

Dee Clark
I knew Brendan through the Midland Railway. He was a fine young man and a good Engineer. We have a picture of Brendan hanging in our family room - one taken of him with the Rock Island 652 locomotive. It's a great picture. We got it primarily because of the 652. That has changed. We will now cherish the picture of Brendan standing next to a locomotive.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and his fiancee at this very difficult time.
Roger and Dee Clark

This month there will be amazing light shows in the night sky. A combination of shooting stars, a total lunar eclipse and enhanced views of many constellations. I guess God needed someone really good to run the light board for Him.

I will miss you B. I'll remember you when the sun shines on my face and when the moon goes behind a cloud. You touched a lot of lives in your quiet gentle way and your spirit will live on in the people that love you.

Shirley and Jim,

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your son. Your family is so special to you and so very much loved. Thank you for sharing memories of your wonderful family events that have happened, the love you share with each other. Ed and I will keep you in our prayers and our daily actions.

J. Albert
Brendan and I did a bunch of hanging out in high school, and I am saddened to hear that he has passed. Our prayers are with you all the way from Florida.

Deb and Gary Johnson
We are so very sorry to learn of Brendan's passing. We have known him through TCT and have enjoyed the times we interacted with him. His family and friends will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Danielle Brunin
Erin and family,

I was so sorry to hear about Brendan. He was always such a sweet person with a wonderful sense of humor. I remember what fun he always was when would go on rock field trips back in our 4-H Days. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Much peace and love,


Diane Good
B had so many friends at TCTA who mourn his passing and will miss him so very much. He was the one who trained me and got me started working soundboard! While I did not know him as well as others, I did see what a tremendous impact he had on the "younger folks" at TCTA. He truly embodied the volunteer spirit that so many people lack and he passed that message to a great number of younger folks who looked up to him. B, we will miss your humor and your expertise. Know that you are not forgotten. Your legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of many.

Theresa Foster
Erin & Family~

So very saddened to get word this morning of Brendan's sudden passing. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Peace be with you all.

~Theresa & Jon

Secretary, Albert Neese Masonic Lodge #248
Members of the Lodge send our sincerest condolences to Brother Daniel Gilchrist and his family on the loss of Brendan Gilchrist. Our prayers go out to Brother Daniel and to his family. God bless all.

Brent Venis
I first met B at a TCT cast party, that seems like forever ago. As we worked together at TCT and TPAC, he became one of my closest friends.

Over the years, we consumed many a beer, too many cigarettes, quite a few pool games, plenty of load-ins, and many good times.

I am deeply saddened to have you taken from us, and words cannot describe how much I will miss you.

Rest in peace, Grandmaster B.

Josh W.
I'm so very sorry to hear this, I just want to say I'm very sorry for the loss, I was fortunate to be able to work with him a few times at TCTA and TPAC helping with lights and sound, he was a great guy, and even though I'm 15 he made it seem like I had a talent.

Many thoughts and prayers to him and his family and friends.

Truly sorry,

Josh Witt

Suzi Daffron
I was so very sorry to hear of Brendan's passing. He was a terrific young man. I was fortunate to have met Brendan through my daughter Jo Daffron from TCT. He will be missed by all who knew him. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with his entire family and friends.

Dominic Carreno
B was the most trustworthy and loyal guy I ever met. No matter how long it had been since we saw each other, he always made it seem like yesterday. He was a damn hard worker and funny as all.

Not too long ago he met my daughters for the first time. Like most kids mine are shy at first when ever meeting some one new. Not this day. She felt immediately comfortable and began joking with him as old friends. B had this effect on people. I am proud and disheartened to say I knew him.

Rest in peace man, we love you.


Loren Litteer
It was a shock learning of Brendan's sudden passing. I know I share the sadness of all Brendan's friends at the Midland Railway. I first met him when he came to the Midland as a member of the Topeka Explorer Scouts and went on to achieve his Engineer's certification. He was always a fine young man polite, responsible and one that could be counted on. We at the Midland will miss him and extend our condolences, thoughts and prayers at this time of your loss.

Terri Clure
I am so so sorry to here of such a sudden tragedy to your family. You probably know me as Lohnie Gray's fiancee. I just wanted to say for the short time Brendan and I worked together at tpac, he was a really wonderful man. I was just getting to know him in the last 6 months. He was always so kind, considerate, and fun loving. I send my condoliences.


Blogger Shirley said...

Daniel forwarded the link to this and I was touched by what you wrote.

Dealing with the loss of Brendan has been the most difficult part of my life. It is, however, great comfort to know that he touched the lives of so many and that I am not alone in my grief. We were fortunate to have had Brendan in our lives and he was fortunate to have so many dear friends.

Shirley Gilchrist

27 October, 2007 18:16  

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