10 April, 2006


I get the concept of podcasting.
It's supposed to be like a radio broadcast, but it just isn't the least bit interesting to me.

I don't really consider myself an instant gratification type person, but they just take way too long to get through the whole thing.
With a text, I can skim through and find any relevant info that I want or need, easily reread parts that interest me, or copy it somewhere so I can refer back to it later.
Listening to a 40 minute radio show to find the info I want just doesn't appeal to me.
You can't really skip any of it because you will miss whatever it is you're looking for.

I've listened to a few for some games I've played and sometimes they have 'psuedo-commmercials' for fake products that are related to the game world.
I get this concept too, but I hate commericials.
They basically all are crap. The only one I can say I thought was really good was the M&Ms commercial where the M&Ms are eating M&Ms.
That was a nice, twisted mind that came up with that.
The fact that there's now a 5 minute break every 10 minutes for commercials also adds to my hatred for them.
Ever seen 'The Fifth Element'?
Ya know those cigarettes that everyone smokes? The ones with 90% filter and 10% tobacco?
That's how I'm envisioning the future of TV.
90% commercials and 10% show.
Having so many commercials impairs writers from creating quality shows with interesting stories because the available time for a show keeps getting shorter and shorter, and it makes it hard to complete the required parts of a story, introduction, complication/rising action, climax, resolution/falling action.

Anyway, I've diverged a bit, so back on topic.

Another TV trend that the podcasts are starting to follow is putting the info that everyone really wants to know as the very last item on the agenda.
If you can't hold an audience without resorting to tactics like this, that should really be a clue that you have no business trying to run a 1 hour show.


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